Sunday, July 13, 2008

Would You Spend $75 For A Chance At Making $1,000's?

Would you spend $75 for a chance at making $1000's? Well I would. You have a world class opportunity with Unselfish Wealth together with Travelencia that can't be beat. $75 is ALL it takes to get started and just $25 a month. We don't make big promises here because we want to be as honest as possible with you. If you get in now you have about a 90% of being successful with this opportunity. Did you know that 80% of the first 10,000 people to join a network marketing company make their income expectations? Right now Travelencia only has just over 4,000. I think you can see the importance of getting in now.

With the Unselfish Wealth system forcing people to funnel down underneith you forcing you to have personal referrals just makes it easier for you to make a nice income.

Daniel 315-383-1172


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